Saturday, 2 August 2008

Travel Trials (Blog by Arfie)

We've reached Mumbai (Bombay) and we're waiting for a flight to Chennai. It's 2pm here, half past eight in the morning in the UK. Some of the girls are feeling a bit under the weather, travelling this much isn't fun but everyone is going on all right.
We got all our bags here, everyone still has their passport and their ticket, so we're rather impressed. Everyone is looking forward to getting to the hotel tonight around 7 for a good sleep and maybe some food. (Anyone for a pot noodle?!)
More soon, just whenever we can get free WiFi.

1 comment:

debi doop said...

aww its so amazing to see pictures of you guys, to know that your safe + well! thinking of you always + praying big.

cant wait to hear mike's voice on the phone soon! haha, love you! xxx